Tuesday, February 08, 2011

those days

One of those days I despise the world with such intensity that it numbs me like an opiate. And I realize the extent to which I ignore or deflect this feeling the rest of the time. Given the lack of viable alternatives to this world and the intractable character of the realities that inspire this nauseating wave of loathing I am compelled to abandon any hope of workable strategies for fixing, improving or mitigating said dilemma and it is only when I reach this point that I find some small piece of ground, little more than a foothold, on which I might seek some refuge from these poisonous truths. Try to be kind. If I can do nothing else at least let me make the effort to be kind. It is not always my first impulse, and I am not as practiced as I ought to be, but the best people around me provide me examples, if not templates, that I can draw on. That itself is, I am forced to admit, a gift from the world and thus it seems that the tide recedes just a bit.